Our class begins with prayer requests and a prayer of petition and thanksgiving to God.
We spend a substantial portion of our class time reading the day’s Bible passages together, out loud. We pause to discuss important things we see in the text and look for the connections between what we read today, and what we have studied earlier. Participation is encouraged, but we also have members who prefer to simply listen quietly.
Our class especially looks for the big themes in the Bible: God’s saving work for us; our response of gratitude and worship; Jesus as Creator, Redeemer, and Lord.


Neville Reid

Tim Swensen


Current Study Material

We use the Adult Bible Study Guide (the “Quarterly”), put out by the SDA church, as our syllabus. We use other materials, such as commentaries and website materials to illustrate and
illuminate the Biblical material. We’re currently going through “Making Friends for God” (July – September), and “Education” (October – December).

Making Friends for God
Group Type

Adult Sabbath School Class

  • timswen37@gmail.com
  • Saturday / Weekly
  • 9:30 am
  • null
    Zoom Meeting - ID: 330 642 001 Password: 193128
  • (650) 906-5710
  • Accepting new members - limited spaces remaining